if your job is my face then we have to have a serious discussion mister!
I draws stuff and it creates the illusion of motion sometimes.
Age 36, Male
Victoria, Australia
Joined on 2/3/06
if your job is my face then we have to have a serious discussion mister!
It's a full time job, your face doesn't clean itself buddy.
I shall now call you "fizzy drink"
Oh I get it.
That's a good one.
Is that a giant man-boob in that picture?
Sure, why not.
thank you for humoring me
Always a pleasure.
I want more Carbon's Day at SheezyArt
It'll be a fair while before I make another one of those.
give me that boob
Booby boobity boob.
I have a kiddy pool somewhere lying around, and I'm in need of a bath.
Fill it up with the ball sweat plskthx.
You better be ready to pay by the liter.