As I was working on my latest big project Apartment in Space 2, I thought to myself, it would be pretty neat if it had it's own unique theme song.
So i've decided to hold this SUPER AWESOME SEXY CONTEST OF COOLNESS.
Basically i'm looking for something that's 10-15 seconds long that has a space-ish feel to it, so it matches the movies.
It can be whatever genre of music you like, i'd like to see what you guys can come up with.
I'll give you guys two weeks, deadline July 8th.
When you're done, upload it to the Audio Portal or somewhere else where I can download it from ( like MegaUpload or RapidShare ) and post a link in this news post.
If you need any inspiration check out the first Apartment in Space.
Not much that I can reward the winner with, just having your name in the credits of every future Apartment in Space movie, I guess.
And maybe some money, if I can make some off this somehow.
woo, ill do what I can, if it turns out good... who knows.
might help if you listen to a couple of my songs, but theres probably better people out there.