It seems I can make one of these every week now, that's pretty neat.
So anyway, since everyone else is doing it I may as well too, follow me on Twitter to become super cool and famous. Well probably not famous, just the super cool part.
Next week i'll be heading off to one half of the super awesome Australian NG Meet where you will be able to talk to me in the flesh, ask me questions, or just bask in my natural glow of awesomeness.
Also, i'm trying to get that movie that i've been working on out before I go so at least people will be able to say "Hey, I saw that movie of yours, that movie was really awesome, I wish I could make a movie like that" but with work and me being lazy it probably won't happen.
But it very well might, fingers crossed.
Alsoalso while i've still got your attention, I got underdog for last week, which is rather sexy.
You will be followed by me... Also enjoy the Aussie meet! Hope it goes well.
Let's hope.