K, just wanna get this outta the way real quick. Submitted a new movie just now, you should totally check it out because it's super cool and stuff. Plus there's a lot of FBF in it, and at 30fps it takes FUCKING FOREVER but I do it anyways because I like that extra smoothness.
Alright now onto the main portion of this broadcast, unknown people, you check them out, they become more popular. Everyone wins.
And this week's lucky lad is Beast-0. At only fifteen years of age he has an amazing drawing/animation style, he's only got three submissions at the moment but you just wait, he's gonna be something big, I can tell these things.
So if you don't wanna watch three submissions and just want to watch one and want me to choose for you, then watch this one, it's hella funny and rather sexy.
So even if you didn't get in this week or want to get featured here, keep trying by saying so in the comments below. A few guys that you might know would be helpful too.
'Til next week, remember to feed your pets. Dead animals don't smell too good.
I'm pretty much unknown.
I'd say you're too unknown even for this.
Your unknown meter is off the chart.